Updated information!
RISE for Climate, Jobs, and Justice
Mobilization and March on Saturday, September 8 in San Francisco
Location: Here is a map with our two primary locations.
Contingent: We will be marching with the Buddhist contingent, which is part of the faith communities contingent. The faith communities contingent will be at the front of Block #3 “We Rise for Democracy”, which is gathering at Embarcadero Plaza “stage left” (or if facing the stage head-on, to the right of it.)
When: Saturday, September 8, 2018
→ 8:30 a.m. | Meditation at Ferry Park
→ 9:15 a.m. | Interfaith service at Ferry Park
→ 10:00 a.m. | Line up, music, celebration, and choral flashmob |Embarcadero Plaza – (southeast corner of the plaza in between the public bathroom and the half circle plaza stage)
→ 11:00 a.m. | March with the interfaith community to Civic Center Plaza
→ 12:00pm | Resource fair and street mural painting (We expect we’ll be breaking the world record for the largest street mural! And the faith community will have our own mural.)
Members of the Midday Sangha invite the EBMC community to join us at the San Francisco RISE for Climate, Jobs, and Justice Mobilization.
We will carry the EBMC banner. Please bring your own message signs, if you can. We will offer masks that protect from smoke pollution as a symbolic message, should you choose to wear one. If you are not going to join the 8:30 AM meditation at Ferry Park, meet us at the West Oakland BART at 9:15 a.m. if you want to travel together. Or join us in San Francisco by 10:00 a.m. at the corner of Mission and Spear. We will then meet up with the EBMC community members who will have participated in the meditation. We’ll all meet at the southeast corner of the plaza in between the public bathroom and the half circle plaza stage with the greater faith community.
Contact/ Please RSVP Joan Lohman 510-410-8062
Please reach out to Joan if you would like to help organize, or text her on the day of the march to locate our contingent.
Governor Brown’s Global Climate Action Summit is September 12-14 in San Francisco.
Street Mural & Choral Flashmob
- Street Mural –The faith community will have our own mural section within what we expect to be the largest street mural ever! Please contact Meg Duff <duffmeg@gmail.com> if you are interested in being part of this!
- Music –The interfaith community will kick off the march with a huge choral flashmob! The interfaith community is looking for choirs and singers to join us for this. For more information click here and contact Derek Tam <musicriseforclimate@gmail.com>
- Volunteers– The faith community is looking for a number of volunteers to play various roles for the faith community on the day of the march. Please review this spreadsheet if you might be interested in helping with anything from carrying the Egret Puppet to setting up our Interfaith service altar.