Wednesdays, July 15th, 22nd, 29th and August 5th 7:00-8:30PM PST
with Vimalasara Mason John
The Buddha taught the four foundations of mindfulness as a way to gain freedom from the external and internal worlds that we live in. During times of PandemicS Covid 19, racial and social injustices it is inevitable that many of us will flee the body, switch all feelings of and run to the comfort of our thoughts, and many other distractions. The hardest thing many of us will ever do is coming back to the breath, to the body, to feelings. If we want liberation we have to find a way back to the body. During this 4 week course we will journey through the 4 tetrads of the Mindfulness of Breathing, working with the body, feelings, thoughts, the nature of all things. We will cultivate metta to access the ancient practice of the four foundations of mindfulness, to help us see more clearly during these turbulent times of pandemics and uprisings. It will be held with kindness, giving space to anyone who would like to have a compassionate inquiry into whatever arises during the course. This course is for anyone who is ready to rediscover the elixir of the breath and the salve of loving-kindness.
Registered participants will receive a link to join us via Zoom with their EventBrite confirmation email.