All Are Welcome. ASL Interpretation and Closed Captioning provided.
12-3PM PST Program
3-4PM PST Community RoundTable & After-Party
Guest Teachers:
Joshua Bee Alafia
Devin Berry
Justin F. Miles
Larry Ward
Tongo Eisen-Martin
Master John W. Ellis IV (Martial Artist, Journalist, EBMC Community Teacher)
“Race & Grace,” is a discussion among Black male Dharma teachers. All are welcome to attend.
We have faced severe challenges recently – in politics and policing, education and the environment, healthcare and housing, income and injustice. This year these issues and others have been greatly amplified by racism – through both personal acts and institutional systems. How do these African American teachers face these problems and opportunities? How do these Black men balance their anger and despair with love and compassion? In this conversation teachers will offer their wisdom teachings – ancient, modern and personal – that can help all of us address the suffering of our times and move toward liberation…with grace.
Registered participants will receive a link to join us via Zoom.