For the Love of the Earth: Embodying Our Connections to Land, Justice and the Dharma
With JD Doyle and Lisa Fujie Parks
Sunday April 10th, 2022 12:30PM – 4:30PM PST
Time Zone Converter – Closed Captioning Provided
Join us as we embody our love for the Earth. Buddhist practice reflects our interconnectedness to remind us we are all a part of the Earth’s animacy and beauty, made of air, water, earth, and fire. Our practice guides us to heal the relationships and ecosystems that hold us and transform unjust and harmful structures and systems. Practicing in community, we plant seeds of justice, regeneration, and thriving.
Everyone is welcome to join this half-day online gathering that will include meditations, reflections, small groups discussions, singing, and movement.
Registered participants will receive a link to join us via Zoom with their EventBrite confirmation email.