ONLINE: Introduction to Mindfulness

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Carol Cano This online retreat will explore basic teachings of mindfulness meditation practices, tools, and understanding the mind with the aim of integrating mindfulness into all aspects of our daily lives. We will explore how to work with difficult emotions and find more balance. This is an introduction for beginners new to mindfulness meditation […]

ONLINE: La Intimidad De Este Momento: Encontrando Nuestr@ Refugio

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

La intimidad de este momento: encontrando nuestr@ refugio The intimacy of this moment: finding our refuge Continuing to create and envision a Latinx sangha at EBMC Continuando a crear e imagniar la sangha Latinx en EBMC Bienvenido a todos que se identifican como parte de la diáspora latinoamericana Open to all who identify as part […]


ONLINE Radical Loving Kindness: Dharma in Motion for LGBTQIA+

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Jess Dene Schlesinger Access centered mix of Yoga, Feldenkrais, Somatics and Earth Based Wisdom for Resiliency, Nourishment and Joy. via Zoom:  Zoom info: Phone +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 382 617 023

Queer Leather Meditation Deep Refuge Group

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

During the COVID-19 crisis, the Queer Leather Meditation Deep Refuge Group holding some extra sits outside of our usual schedule. The Queer Leather Meditation sangha is a peer-led meditation group for those of us who have a meditation practice and are queer and leather/kink-identified. We are open to and welcome new drop-in participants! For the […]

ONLINE: The Neuroscience of Lovingkindness: Focus Group for Teachers

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Open to TEACHERS who practice loving-kindness/metta Your voice matters! Mapping the lived experiences of lovingkindness practice during times of uncertainty with Dr. Helen Weng and Dr. Ariana Thompson-Lastad Help increase the diversity of meditators represented in neuroscience! In a community-engaged research project with EBMC and UCSF, participate in a focus group to share your experiences […]

ONLINE: The Neuroscience of Kindness Focus Group for LGBTQIASGL+ Community

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Open to those who identify as LGBTQIASGL+ who practice loving-kindness/metta Your voice matters! Mapping the lived experiences of lovingkindness practice during times of uncertainty with Dr. Helen Weng and Dr. Ariana Thompson-Lastad Help increase the diversity of meditators represented in neuroscience! In a community-engaged research project with EBMC and UCSF, participate in a focus group […]

ONLINE: The 4 Noble Truths as a Restorative Process: Manifesting Agents of Change for People of Color

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Rev. Liên Shutt - Online Retreat For People of Color  Does “The 4 Noble Truths” just seems like another list to memorize? What are “truths”? How did we learn them? How do familial, cultural, and/or institutional systems promote, validate, and/or collude? Join Rev. Liên Shutt to see how my reframed “Engaged 4 Noble Truths” can […]

ONLINE: How Have the Buddha’s Teachings Helped Me?

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Wrap-up class for EBMC’s Core Buddhist Curriculum Jan-May 2020 with Mushim Patricia Ikeda For those who have taken either some or all of EBMC’s 5-month “Buddhist core teachings in Jan – May 2020, this is a wrap-up class where you can bring your “biggest” Buddhist practice questions, meet Dharma companions on the Path, and rejoice […]


ONLINE Compassionate Dharma Deep Refuge: 8 Step Recovery Buddhist Meeting

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Compassionate Dharma Deep Refuge Buddhist meetings focus on ways to heal addiction. Based on the Eight Steps to Recovery developed by Dr. Mason-John M.A (hon.doc) and Dr Groves, we believe this inclusive approach can build a solid foundation for those at any level of recovery and for those who have yet to seek help. Through […]