Cultivating Solidarity and Building Stamina for Transformative Action (for White Practitioners)
with Crystal Johnson, JD Doyle and Evan Hoppin
10:00AM -12:15PM and 2:00PM-4:00PM PST
This is a moment in history when awareness of the harm of systemic racism and injustice is heightened and one of the challenges for us as white people is to stay focused enough and centered enough to take wise action. To do this, we can use our practice to build our capacity to be present to the painful and complex feelings so that we can acknowledge, investigate, and truly witness the legacy of centuries of violent oppression. In this way, we can build the stamina necessary to transform the system of white supremacy both internally and externally, for the benefit of all beings.
Registered participants will receive a link to join us via Zoom with their EventBrite confirmation email.