EBMC Is Seeking Volunteer with Commercial Real Estate Experience
February 28, 2021
Volunteer Position Description: EBMC Real Estate Subcommittee member
We are very happy to be at a point in our search for a sustainable home for EBMC that we need to add members to the EBMC Real Estate Subcommittee of the Space Force! The Space Force (officially the Advisory Committee to the Strategic Planning Committee) is the group in our sangha(spiritual community) that has been working to move EBMC to a sustainable home. During this time of pandemic we have continued to meet and work toward this goal. As we move closer to the time of purchasing a building, we are seeking additional volunteer support.
We are looking for someone who:
- Is able to physically visit potential buildings in downtown Oakland to assess for appropriateness
- Has commercial real estate transaction experience: purchase, contracts, subcontracting
- Can attend bi-weekly meetings of the Real Estate Subcommittee (every other Tuesday, 2:00-3:00 pm Pacific time), and, when possible, monthly meetings of the Space Force (Second Mondays, 7:00-8:30 pm Pacific time)
- Ideally, would have expertise in ADA/accessibility, the Oakland real estate market and real estate project management
The estimated time commitment is four to six hours per month, including two Zoom meetings, which usually happen on a weekday afternoon. The committee uses a modified consensus decision-making process, using gradients of agreement. (We’re happy to tell you more.)
By contributing your skills and expertise, you’ll be helping to create a new chapter in the history of American Buddhism and helping to shape the new home of one of the most diverse, social justice-centered sanghas in the world.
If you are interested, please complete this brief form and we will be in touch! If you know someone else who might be interested, please pass this on to them.

Group photo of EBMC Sangha. Photo by Candi Martinez Carthen.
With deep gratitude for your practice and your support of our sangha,
Marian Urquilla, Kaily Heitz and David Foecke
East Bay Meditation Center Real Estate Subcommittee