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Five Qs with Mushim

Five Qs with Mushim about Dharma, diversity, social justice activism, and more, in Prof. Jee Yoon Lee’s “writing like an asian” (thoughts on writing, composition, and issues of identity) blogsite, used by students at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and available to all.

Memory Is Political: Storytelling, Movement Building and the Third Noble Truth by Mushim

“Memory Is Political”: Storytelling, Movement Building and the Third Noble Truth
Buddhist Peace Fellowship article by Mushim

An interview with Larry Yang at the Insight Meditation Society

Larry Yang talking about Forgiveness Practice
An interview with Larry at the Insight Meditation Society

On Buddhism and Diversity Video

On Buddhism and Diversity

Urgent Need to Prepare for Flooding from El Nino Storms

Urgent Need to Prepare for Flooding from El Niño Storms – Summary for EBMC Community

By Abe Doherty, EBMC sangha member who has been professionally involved in related work

December 2015

FEMA and the Weather Service have informed Californians that there will likely be many storms from late December 2015 through March 2016, due to the strong El Niño conditions and that there is the possibility of disasters from flooding. FEMA specifically identifies the East Bay’s water system (EBMUD) as being vulnerable to impacts from the storms. Here are some practical steps to be prepared:

1. HIGHEST PRIORITY. Store water supplies at home and work, with a minimum of one gallon per person per day for a total of 3 days and ideally for 7 days (so 3-7 gallons for each person). Pets will also need clean water to drink. We recommend bottles that do not contain the chemical BPA. For more information, see

2. Check for National Weather Service forecasts and weather advisories to be aware of when hazardous conditions are present or imminent. (NWSBayArea on Twitter)

3. Get sand bags to protect from flooding: free sand bags are distributed by many local governments. Contact your city government.

4. If you own a home, consider buying flood insurance as soon as possible. It takes 30 days before flood insurance becomes effective. FEMA offers flood insurance that is much cheaper (e.g., $200-$400 annually) than earthquake insurance.

5. Make sure you have supplies in case of electricity outages, along with emergency supply kits that include copies of important documents.

6. Develop a family emergency plan with your loved ones.

7. Turn around, don’t drown. A mere 6 inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult. It takes just 12 inches of rushing water to carry away a small car, while 2 feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles. It is NEVER safe to drive or walk into flood waters.

8. Be careful when near the shoreline since there are elevated sea levels and higher waves during El Niño.

9. Even with the potential for flooding, the drought will persist and water conservation remains important. See for further information, including rebates for toilet and turf replacement.

10. See and for more information.

11. Support safety of your neighborhood by adopting a storm drain to minimize flooding from blocked storm drains:

12. Consider getting training on how to support vulnerable community members during a disaster, by becoming a member of Community Emergency Response Teams

Note: FEMA is hiring 500 people (social workers, construction workers, engineers, etc.) to help with responding to the storms.

Would you like to volunteer so that EBMC can be open for the Friday Open Sitting Group on Christmas and New Year’s Day?

Would you like to volunteer so that EBMC can be open for the Friday Open Sitting Group on Christmas and New Year’s Day?

Dear EBMC Community,
Christmas Day (Dec. 25, 2015) and New Year’s Day (Jan. 1, 2016) fall on Fridays this year, and we do not have regular teachers scheduled to lead the Friday Open Sitting Group on either night. If you would like to support the Center being open for sitting meditation on either or both of those Friday nights, it is possible to have peer-led meetings. We will give volunteers guidelines so that they know what to do.

Here is what is needed:

Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 2015
2 volunteers to lead the peer-led meditation period
1-2 volunteers who are already trained in how to open and close the Center, set up the room, monitor the door, process the dana (donations), etc.
New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2016

2 volunteers to lead the peer-led meditation period
1-2 volunteers who are already trained in how to open and close the Center, set up the room, monitor the door, process the dana (donations), etc.
EBMC has in the past usually stayed open for weekly sitting groups meeting the evenings of major U.S. holidays. The Center is a refuge for people who may not celebrate those holidays and/or who may not have family or friends in the area to celebrate with. If you are interested in helping to provide a warm and welcoming spiritual refuge on these evenings, please contact:

We need to hear from you by December 6, 2015; otherwise we will start publicizing that the Center will be closed on 12/25/15 and 1/1/16.

Thank you for your practice.

Prayers for Peace and Justice from East Bay Meditation Center

In response to the heartbreaking loss of lives to terrorist violence throughout the world, EBMC offers our fervent prayers for peace, for the causes of peace and happiness to be established — including justice and equity — and for the well-being of all life on the planet. Many members of the EBMC Sangha (community) are engaged in various forms of peacework and social justice activism. Our spiritual practices of loving kindness, compassion, inclusivity and mindfulness are strong foundations for the different forms of action and activism through which we express our commitments and values.

Path of Service

What is the Path of Service Sangha?

A sangha dedicated to EBMC volunteers.  This Sangha gathers periodically to:

* honor your service to the Dharma
* sit together, meet each other, share stories
* hear a brief update on the “State of the Center”
* have FUN !


How do I Join the PoSS?

If you are a volunteer or have volunteered in the past, please email us via our contact page and request to be added to the Path of Service Sangha.


If you have not volunteered and would like to, please visit our Volunteer page to see some positions that are open. If you have any questions, contact our Volunteer Coordinator via our contact page.

Podcast: Creating diverse sanghas, Brenda Salgado & Mushim Ikeda

Podcast: Creating diverse sanghas (spiritual communities) in the U.S.
Interview by the Secular Buddhist (Minneapolis) with East Bay Meditation Center’s Brenda Salgado (center director) and Mushim Ikeda (core teacher and community coordinator). May 2015

Awakening Together, Larry Yang

strong>Awakening Together
By Larry Yang, in Inquiring Mind, Spring 2015 (PDF download)