Upcoming Classes
ONLINE: Afrikan Healing and Wisdom
ONLINE: Afrikan Healing and Wisdom
HYBRID CLASS SERIES: Beginning a Meditation Practice
HYBRID CLASS SERIES: Beginning a Meditation Practice
HYBRID: EBMC’s New Radical Dharma Book Club (Jan. 18 session)
HYBRID CLASS SERIES: Beginning a Meditation Practice
HYBRID: Maintaining the Calm Within the Storm: Anxiety in Times of Elections
Current News
Season of Gratitude 2024: Riya’s EBMC Story
Dear Sangha Friend, This is the last chance to give to our Season of Gratitude 2024 campaign! Your support helps sustain EBMC as a sanctuary of healing, connection, and resilience […]
Season of Gratitude 2024: Monica Munjal’s EBMC Story
Dear Beloved Sangha, This Season of Gratitude, we’re reflecting on the importance of EBMC as a place of refuge, connection, and care—especially in these uncertain times. Today, we’re sharing words […]
At EBMC we operate using a generosity-based, gift economics model. This means we charge no set registration fees to attend our events and instead rely on the generous giving of our community. Program and event participants are offered an opportunity to make a voluntary gift to EBMC during the registration process or at an event itself.
We believe that everyone has an inherent capacity for generosity, and that together we can co-create a thriving spiritual community based on values of abundance, trust, and connection, rather than scarcity, fear, and separation.
The Buddha and other wisdom teachers emphasized that Dana—or generosity arising effortlessly from deep gratitude—is an essential component of spiritual freedom.
If everyone who participates in events at EBMC practices generosity and gives to the level of their ability, the Center will continue to thrive as a spiritual home accessible to all. We have several opportunities for you to give dana, including becoming a Monthly Friend of EBMC. Please give to the greatest extent you can for the good of all.