
Embodying Resilience

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Based on the Leadership Embodiment work of Wendy Palmer with Paul Ciske, Ph.D. and Anjali Sawhney, MBA This insightful work based on Aikido and Mindfulness principles allows us to see, and hold with kindness, our limiting habitual reactive patterns that arise, especially when under stress, while also cultivating a greater capacity for returning to the […]

Be The Change, Be The Refuge: Cultivating Self Love and Collective Liberation

First Congregational Church Berkeley 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA

In such challenging times, how can we practice self care and also cultivate collective liberation? Join us for a visionary evening with renowned meditation teachers Sharon Salzberg and Spring Washam who will discuss how to forge a path of resistance, resilience and love at First Church Berkeley on Friday, September 28th. This powerful night of […]

Soñando Nuestro Hogar: Un Día Para la Comunidad Latinx | Dreaming our Home: A Day For the Latinx Community

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Bienvenido a todos que se identifican como parte de la diáspora latinoamericana Open to all who identify as part of the Latin American diaspora con (with)  Margarita Loinaz y Melvin Escobar En el budismo, hay refugios que se llaman “las tres joyas” o “los tres tesoros”. Estos son: el Buda (todos los seres humanos tenemos […]

Craving and the End of Craving: A Buddhist Approach to Working with Addiction

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Shahara Godfrey and Walt Opie Open to all in recovery During this daylong, we will explore craving and the end of craving—offering ways to help heal addiction inspired by Buddhist teachings. We will incorporate Eight Step Recovery as developed by Dr. Valerie Mason-John, which offers a Buddhist approach for working with addiction and obsessive […]


Dharma in Motion: Embodying Metta

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Embodying Metta: Yoga with Jess Dene Schlesinger Tuesdays 6:00 pm – 6:50 pm / October 2 - November 27 Embodying Metta is a Trauma-Informed and Access-Centered Yoga class— invitational, consensual, and variations for differing abilities and access need are offered.  Connecting breath with movement, we will work on developing lovingkindness for our complete selves, reminded […]


Unhurried & Unbothered: Yoga for Radical Restoration

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Cultivating deep awareness requires us to slow down.  There are many lessons waiting to be uncovered in silence, stillness, and slowness.  Unhurried & Unbothered: Yoga for Radical Restoration is an invitation to practice slowing down as the antidote for the violent pace of capitalism.  In each session, the daily demands so many of us face […]

Beginning a Meditation Practice for People of Color

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Mushim Ikeda  Are you looking for a way to start a mindfulness meditation practice, but don’t quite know how? These classes will give you the basics of sitting and walking/movement meditation in the vipassana (insight) style, and metta (goodwill) meditation. Don’t worry about “getting it right” – if you can sit – on a […]


Loneliness, Imperfection & Resilience: A Buddhist-based approach

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Mushim Ikeda  Loneliness is painful, and seems to be on the rise despite the easy connectivity promised by internet and social media. Feeling isolated because we are regarded as “different” by others can be a factor. How can we stay present to the sharp edges of our feelings about the imperfection of our lives, […]

Family Practice: Opening the Heart through the Buddha’s Teachings

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Baruch Golden, Lev White, Hannah Hamler and Michele Ku We invite you to come and help create the diverse family sangha at EBMC. We welcome families with babies, toddlers, and children up to age 13. Children under 5 will need to have a parent/caregiver stay with them. This class features training on “Family Tea Time” […]


Liberation: A True Refuge

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

A seeker’s path to healing and awakening For LGBTQIA Identified with Carol Cano “Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a practice.” Thich Nhat Hanh This three-week series will give a basic understanding and overview of the essential Buddhist teachings and practices of mindfulness meditation. We […]