What the Sangha Said: Community Meeting Report-Back

EBMC’s March 26, 2017 Community Meeting
Community Meeting Report Back
March 26, 2017
Sangha Input
East Bay Meditation Center hosted an open Community Meeting on 4/26/17. Eleven Sangha members were in attendance, including Teachers, Practice Group Coordinators, Staff, and Leadership Sangha.
Report Back Method
This report aims to provide a transparent summary of the questions, concerns and information raised at the meeting.
General EBMC Information
- EBMC’s lease was renewed for 3 years. We are in year 1 of renewal. No rent increase
- Feedback section on website has been requested
- EBMC has a strategic development plan, but not an overall strategic plan. We are searching for a Strategic Planning consultant, aiming for the process to run from May through end of November, 2017
- Eventbrite technical issue: registration for EBMC events is sometimes difficult on computers and phones
- Over 300 people responded to EBMC’s Sangha Survey!
- Keeping valuables secured helps people not to break a precept. What is the best way to language “Keep your valuables with you at EBMC” within a multicultural spiritual community?
Giving & Gift Economics
- Encouragement for spiritual teachings of dana to be frame as generosity, rather than “give us money”
- Increase transparency to the Sangha on the overhead costs for programs
- Some people wonder: how much to give to Teachers v. EBMC at a class?
- Education needed: Teachers & Sangha leaders could benefit from more details about staff: roles, FTE, how EBMC runs
- Confusion persists: How to give dana to teachers other than cash and checks? EBMC currently cannot accept cards for teacher dana.
- Sangha members who have more to give can particularly benefit from understanding Gift Economics
- EBMC can offer more programs to discuss gift economics and money-related shame, anxiety, discomfort and other responses
- Teachers need support to give skillful Gift Economics talks
EBMC in the Community
- EBMC’s mission is even more audacious in current political climate
- EBMC is not immune to being seen as outsiders in this particular neighborhood. In larger society, increased tensions due to gentrification and displacement create more distress. Request for Sangha leadership & members to think about ways that EBMC can be a good neighbor