Description: A meditation group for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Same-Gender Loving, and Two-Spirit communities. Because that’s such a mouthful, we call ourselves the Alphabet Sangha. For more information, visit the ALPHABET SANGHA WEBSITE

Time: Tuesdays 7:00 – 8:30 PM Pacific Time

Zoom info: Please email “alphabetsangha at eastbaymeditation dot org” to request Zoom link.

Hybrid meetings: Every First and Third Tuesdays

Recordings of Alphabet Sangha talks by Alphabet Sangha teachers are available on the Alphabet Sangha YouTube channel.


Description: The BIPOC Sangha is a growing community of people of color waking up and getting free!

Time: Thursdays 7:00 – 8:30 PM Pacific Time

Zoom info: Meeting details are shared through their mailing list (subscribe on their website), and their Facebook group.

Hybrid meetings: Every First and Third Thursdays. Potluck on the Third Thursday, 6-7pm!

Note: Dharma in Motion is currently on hiatus until further notice.


Description: Every Body Every Mind Sangha is a weekly practice group for people living with disabilities, limitations, differences and chronic illnesses.

Please come and take part in this time to meditate, share our lives and support with each other, and learn more about the dharma. There is no need to register for these weekly meetings, just come and share this path together!

Every Body, Every Mind Teachers: Debra Kerr, Kenji Oshima, Anne Finger, Master John W. Ellis IV, Beth Smith and Mushim Ikeda 

For more info, visit the Every Body Every Mind Sangha Website.

Time: Sundays 6:00 – 7:30 PM Pacific Time. On Zoom every Sunday.

2025 Hybrid Dates

Mar 23 — with Arisika Razak

Apr 20 — with Anne Finger

May 18 — with Mushim Ikeda

June 22 — with Anne Finger

More dates TBD!

Zoom info: Please email “ebem at eastbaymeditation dot org” to request a Zoom link.


Description: Creating freedom in community, the EBMC Maha Sangha for All People and Communities is a meditation and dharma group with an emphasis on radical inclusivity and social justice.

Maha is a Pali word meaning whole, great, larger/largest, deepest, and Sangha is a Pali word for community, or community of practitioners. Together, these words represent a place where all people and communities are warmly invited to explore the Dharma together in keeping with East Bay Meditation Center’s core mission to foster liberation, personal and interpersonal healing, social action, and inclusive community building. We hope that you will join us.

The EBMC Maha Sangha’s leadership team of teachers, dharma leaders, and sangha members includes: Arisika Razak, Fresh! Lev White,  Rebekah Eppley, Sarwang Parikh and Shay. 

Time: Fridays 7:00 – 8:30 PM Pacific Time

Zoom info: Please email “mahasangha at eastbaymeditation dot org”

Hybrid meetings: Every Fourth Fridays


Description: Join our peer-led multicultural sangha for silent meditation practice and community building.

Time: Wednesdays 12:00 – 1:35 PM Pacific Time

Zoom info: Please email middaysangha at eastbaymeditation dot org

Hybrid meetings: Every First Wednesdays

[March 2024 update] EBMC’s Parent-Caregiver teaching team will be offering a monthly parents’ meditation group for restoration, support and connection. Parenting often can be challenging…as well as a great practice. We offer a short talk, guided meditation and sharing. We gather to create a safe refuge to share the joys and the challenges of caring for young people by cultivating loving-kindness, compassion, patience and generosity with the support of the sangha. We welcome all parents/grandparents/caregivers of young people to join us. No prior experience necessary.
Meeting time: First Mondays of the month, 8-9:15 PM Pacific Time.
Starting again on May 6, 2024!
Zoom information:

Topic: Parent-Caregiver Sangha
Time: May 6, 2024 08:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the First Monday
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 8622 1267

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88286221267# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,88286221267# US


Description: People of Color Yoga with Satya de la Paz – Build strength and flexibility while cultivating mindfulness in this all levels hatha yoga class. Each class has a unique, inspiring theme and personalized instruction that will leave you feeling joyous and rejuvenated.

Livestreamed every week, closed captions available.

Time: 5:45 – 6:45 PM Pacific Time

Zoom info: Information to be posted in POC Sangha Facebook group.

Or email: pocyoga at eastbaymeditation dot org

Beloved Families and Communities Practicing Together for Love and Justice

For parents, grandparents, and other caregivers, extended and chosen family, and children/teens/young adults ages 0-18.

Registration required. 

NEXT SESSION: Sunday March 2nd 2025, 1-3:0pm PT (in person only)

We invite you to come and be a part of the diverse family sangha at EBMC.  We welcome families with babies, toddlers, and children up to age 18. Children under 5 will need to have a parent/caregiver stay with them. We gather to create a safe refuge to share the joys and the challenges of parenting by cultivating loving kindness, compassion, patience and generosity with the support of the sangha.  It is a wonderful opportunity to have family time without digital distractions and to learn mindful practices for the whole family. Parents/caregivers and children meet together and sometimes separately during the class. Families with children under the age of 5 meets in a mindful playgroup. We are committed to creating a diverse family sangha, all families are welcomed.  No prior experience is necessary.

East Bay Meditation Center strives to be as accessible as possible. For the safety of our teachers, staff, volunteers and participants, we cannot provide assistance for personal needs such as transferring into and out of chairs, walking, eating, or using the restroom. If you require such assistance, you must bring a personal care assistant with you when you come to any event at EBMC.

EBMC is a fragrance free space; everyone is asked to arrive at EBMC free of fragranced hair, clothing and body products. For more information, please click here. 

Currently on Hiatus
Registration is encouraged for each Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer sessions. Parents, caretakers and adult allies are encouraged to donate towards the sustainability of the Teen Circle program and teaching staff. 
Drop-ins ok. Open to teens ages 14-19. 
Led by the EBMC Teen Circle Teaching Team: Sarwang Parikh, Louijie Kim, Sara Oakes, Anthony “T” Maes and Raul Kahlil Betancourt
EBMC Teen Circle is a weekly meditation group for teens, ages 14-19. Our focus is on creating deeper relationships with ourselves and each other, having fun, getting real and supporting each other. Learn mindfulness meditation and explore the dharma (Buddhist teachings) in creative experiential ways. No experience necessary. We are committed to maintaining a sangha (community) that is welcoming to people of all identities.

Practice groups are gatherings of people practicing meditation or mindful movement together. Each session may include periods of stillness (seated, standing or lying down) meditation, movement meditation, yoga, qi gong practice, dharma talks by teachers, contemplative exercises, and groups discussions.

In keeping with our commitment to diversity, some groups are reserved for practitioners from specific under-represented communities, e.g., People of Color, LGBTQIA+ communities, people living with disability or illness, and young adults.

Participation in practice groups is offered for no fee, in order to make them available to the widest possible audience. Instead, we are offered an opportunity to make a voluntary offering, to the level of our ability, to support the teacher and the center. This is known as the practice of “dana,” or joyful generosity.

For in-person participation at EBMC:

For those wishing to practice in person, space will be limited to 40 people to allow ample space for social distancing. Participants will be asked to wear N95 or KN95 face masks. (N95 face masks will be available at EBMC.)

To attend in person, you need to be completely free of fragranced body and clothing products — more information and a list of fragrance free products, including those that are especially good for people of color, appears on our website:

East Bay Meditation Center is a scent free / fragrance free space and is wheelchair accessible.

For Zoom participation, these are our Universal Access Guidelines:

– Please do not use virtual or blurred backgrounds

– Please keep your camera still when it’s turned on

– Please say your name when you speak

– Facilitators will attempt to read any comments in the chat out loud

– Please mute when you’re not speaking.

big colorful autumn umbrellas in the sky