10AM – 12PM Sunday, August 6th 2023
Onsite at East Bay Meditation Center
An on-site, half-day program for self-identified BIMPOC (Black, Indigenous, Multiracial, People(s) of Color) with Carol Cano, Antoinette González, Ramón Honea, and Andrés González.
Join us for a morning of sacred reconnection: reconnecting with self, community, ancestors, our precious Earth, and our beloved spiritual home, East Bay Meditation Center. Over the past several years, we’ve endured much and all too often in isolation. During our time together, we will invite in the experience of ritual, earth-based practices, guided meditation, and a community talking circle to support us in returning to what we uniquely consider sacred. Whether that is our relationship to Mother Earth, our Ancestors, or the “Three Jewels” (Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha), we will explore what it means to reconnect with the sacred in our everyday lives.
Following the program, we invite you to join us for a brown-bag lunch, 12-1PM at Snow Park where there will be unstructured time to further (re)connect with one another.
This program is suitable for both new and experienced meditators and is open to self-identified BIMPOC (Black, Indigenous, Multiracial, People(s) of Color).
Please note: With the intention of inviting sangha on-site once again at EBMC, this program will not be held in hybrid format; however, we will record core parts of the event to be shared with attendees and those who register to receive a recording-only following the program.
Space is limited & registration is required.
Cost: The teachings are regarded as priceless. So they are offered without a fee. You are invited to support the teachings and our efforts by contributing voluntary donations (the practice of “Dana”) for the expenses of the meditation center and the support of the teachers.
To make a gift to sustain the work of East Bay Meditation Center, please do so via Paypal: paypal.me/eastbaymeditation or our website: eastbaymeditation.org/dana 100% of our programming is sliding scale and no one will ever be turned away for lack of funds. Thank you for the gifts of your generosity and for supporting the work of East Bay Meditation Center and our beloved teachers who have volunteered their time.
Participants will be asked to wear N95 or KN95 face masks and be fully vaccinated against covid19, which at this time means having received the covid bivalent booster no less than two weeks before the event. (N95 face masks will be available at EBMC.)
To attend in person, you need to be completely free of fragranced body and clothing products — more information and a list of fragrance free products, including those that are especially good for people of color, appears on our website:
East Bay Meditation Center is a scent free / fragrance free space and is wheelchair accessible.