An Online Class Series with Louije Kim
*Mondays, June 27th, July 11th, July 18th & July 25th (No class on July 4th)
7:00 – 8:30PM PT
8:30 – 9PM PT Optional Q+A
*Each class builds on one another. Please do your best to attend the entire series.
Mindfulness and meditation have been touted as powerful tools for healing trauma, so why does it sometimes feel so bad to meditate? With the amount of information about trauma available at our fingertips, it can be overwhelming to try to make sense of it all. This 4-part series aims to provide you with clear, relatable information about how trauma can look and feel and how it can show up in meditation. It will equip you with knowledge to make informed choices about how you engage in dharma practice, as well as teach you skills for gently inclining your mind, body and nervous system toward healing through mindfulness. This series is open to all, and is appropriate for people who have just started meditating or are considering going on their first silent retreats. It will also support those who are curious to learn basic information about trauma to support their engagement in personal therapy.
All registered participants will receive a link to join us via zoom with their Eventbrite confirmation email.