An Online Offering For Those 50 And Older
With Arisika Razak, Jenn Biehn, and Rosetta Saunders
Friday – June 23, 2023
9:30 AM – 12 PM (Time Zone Converter)
Closed Captioning Provided
As we honor our path to elderhood, we want to share with one another the richness of our aging process – sharing what we have gathered – the skills, the lessons, the creativity, the stories. As elders, we have all encountered losses and limitations and are actively engaged in transforming them into wisdom.
We may ask ourselves what does becoming an elder mean today? What is my relationship to my ancestors – and to those who are coming after me? What wounds and struggles am I leaving behind, and what new challenges and gifts are emerging? How am I embodying spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional balance at this time?
Join us as we explore our individual and collective answers to these questions through drumming, movement, silent meditation, writing, art and small and large group sharing.
Please bring a sacred object for our virtual altar, as well as writing and/or drawing materials. We invite all bodies, genders, ethnicities, sexual preferences, and abilities to share in our co-creative exploration of the gifts, challenges, and power of elderhood. We welcome those who came to our first offerings in February as well as new folks wanting to join us in June.
Please note: Registered participants will receive a zoom link to join us online with their Eventbrite confirmation email. Thank you for your support
Arisika Razak, MPH, is professor emerita, and the former Chair of the Women’s Spirituality Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. She served as an inner city nurse-midwife for twenty years, and her teachings incorporate diverse spiritual traditions, women’s health and healing, multicultural feminisms, queer theory, and diversity theory. Arisika has led national and international healing workshops and ritual celebrations for women for over four decades, and has facilitated embodied spiritual workshops for people of all genders for 30 years. She has been an active participant at EMBC for over a decade and is a core teacher there.
Active with EBMC for the past 12 years, Jenn Biehn has served on the Leadership Sangha and is a co-founder of Dharma in Motion, Restorative Practices for Dharma Practitioners, and Midday Sangha. She teaches Transforming White Privilege on the Path to Racial Equity with Neighbors for Racial Justice and Tai Chi Chih – Joy Through Movement through EBMC and other Bay Area community centers. She was recently an elder mentor for the Braided Wisdom Leadership Training Program which included cross cultural mindfulness practices. Jenn’s spiritual practice includes engaging with nature through cross country skiing and backpacking in the high Sierra and embodying awareness and healing movement in her life-long journey of building community.
Rosetta Saunders is a retired educator and historian with over 20 years teaching “People of Colors History” in the United States. Currently a core facilitator for Deep Time Liberation, Ancestral Healing retreats. Rosetta’s passion for West African and Afro-Cuban drumming has primarily been a source for individual and collective healing. She aligns herself with her ancestral lineage through Earth based practices. She was introduced to the Buddha/Dharma in 2002 and completed a two-year Dharmacharya program with Venerable Pannavati and Pannadipa receiving Confirmation of Ordination and recently completed the Braided Wisdom Leadership training program and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction certification program. Rosetta teachsTai Chi Chih regularly at EBMC and has participated over the past decade in many offerings from EMBC.
To make a gift to support the teachings, please do so via PayPal: sweetdrum8@gmail.com or Venmo: @Rosetta-Saunders.
The offering will be shared equally amongst the three teachers.
To make a gift to sustain the work of East Bay Meditation Center, please do so via Paypal: paypal.me/eastbaymeditation or our website: eastbaymeditation.org/dana 100% of our programming is sliding scale and no one will ever be turned away for lack of funds. Thank you for the gifts of your generosity and for supporting the work of East Bay Meditation Center and our beloved teachers who have volunteered their time.
East Bay Meditation Center is a scent free / fragrance free space and is wheelchair accessible.