An Online Class with Jenn Biehn, nialla rose, and Rosetta Saunders
Thursday, September 22nd
9:00AM – 10:30AM PST (Time Zone Converter) –
Closed captioning will be provided.
Tai Chi Chih is an easy-to learn, accessible and non-strenuous moving meditation. A form of Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chih circulates and balances the chi or energy of the body. Cultivating and embodying heart qualities such as equanimity, compassion, gratitude, generosity while practicing Tai Chi Chih can bring alignment and calm to body-heart-mind. Movement will be taught standing and seated. Join us in celebrating Fall Equinox.
No prior experience necessary.
Co-led by Jenn Biehn, nialla rose, and Rosetta Saunders who have been practicing this movement meditation together for over two years, co-creating various ways of presenting Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Jenn has been a certified Tai Chi Chih teacher for over 30 years and is now training new folks to bring these practices into their communities. nialla, also a certified Tai Chi Chih teacher, is a member of the Order of Interbeing who shares dharma within movement to various sanghas and other groups. Rosetta is a drum artist using sacred rhythms for intergenerational healing and cross cultural ceremonial circles.
All registered participants will receive a link to join us via Zoom with their EventBrite confirmation email.