Wednesdays January 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th 2022
6:30 – 8:30PM PST (Time Zone Converter)
ASL Interpretation and Closed Captioning Provided
Part of EBMC’s Core Buddhist Teachings – 6-month Curriculum
Are you looking for a way to start a mindfulness meditation practice, but don’t quite know how? These classes will give you the basics of stationary and walking/gentle movement meditation in the vipassana (insight) style, and metta (loving kindness or good will) meditation. Don’t worry about “getting it right” – if you can sit – on a folding chair, on floor cushions, in a wheelchair – or lie down – and breathe, you’re off to a good start! This series is for those seeking stress reduction, or it can be the gateway to those new to Buddhism. Meditation can help you, over time, to develop a sense of increased physical well-being, mental clarity, compassionate connection, and spiritual growth.