HYBRID: Collectivizing Care toward Liberation

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Saturday, January 28th 2023 With Dr. Renato Almanzor Online on Zoom and in-person @ 285 17th St, Oakland, CA 94612 9:30AM - 4:00PM PST (Time Zone Converter)  Closed Captioning Provided […]


ONLINE: Buddha’s Four Big Truths (4 Noble Truths)

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

February 13th Update: Until further notice, all programs will be online-only, due to the theft of audio/video tech during a break in. We are sorry we can't host you and […]


ONLINE: WE BELONG: Heart practice for QTBIPOC

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

February 13th Update: Until further notice, all programs will be online-only, due to the theft of audio/video tech during a break in. We are sorry we can't host you and […]

ONLINE: Nourishing Freedom: Finding the Middle Path to Body Liberation

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Online, Saturday, February 11th, 2023 (via Zoom) With Melvin Escobar and Marcella Raimondo 10-2pm PST (Time Zone Converter) Closed Captioning Provided Radically accepting ourselves and our experiences is a revolutionary […]