Exploring Addictions . . . Through the Lens of Buddhist and Indigenous Wisdom Teachings

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Open to all in recovery with Carol Cano and Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John During this one-day retreat we will explore, from a cross-cultural approach, ways to heal addiction. We will introduce you to the eight steps to recovery by Dr. Mason-John and practice specific meditation techniques to will help you overcome addiction. We believe this inclusive […]

Jedi Insights: A Force for Peace, Liberation & Enlightenment

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Open to all age 13 and up with Dr. Mushim Ikeda & Master Ellis This fun, two-hour class explores how Jedi insights on life from the Star Wars movies reflect wisdom teachings of real meditation and martial arts teachers, particularly Takuan Soho (a 16th century Buddhist monk) and Miyamoto Musashi (a 16th century samurai). Guided […]

Deep Time Liberation: Bearing Witness; Pathway to Healing

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Half-day Retreat for People of Color with Noliwe Alexander & Devin Berry Bearing witness to our intergenerational suffering opens the portal for deep present-moment healing.  Some of the most difficult aspects of our lives are those that are entangled in our deep cultural conditioning.  Cutting through the obstacles that bind us will lead to deep […]

Liberation in Action: Cultivating the Four Noble Truths

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Monday, February 29, 7-9pm Monday, March 28, 7-9pm Sunday, April 10, 2-4pm Sunday, May 22, 2-4pm Each class requires separate registration. with Sean Feit The Buddhist traditions offer a vast range of teachings, from ethical guidelines for daily life and relationships to instructions for meditation and descriptions of the deepest truths of reality. In this 4-part class […]

The Buddha’s “How to” Guide to a Life of Happiness & Well-being: A class series on the Eightfold Path

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Part of EBMC's Core Buddhist Teachings: 5-Month Curriculum 4 Wednesdays: March 2, 9, 16, 23 (2016) | 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm with Mushim Open to all Everyone wants to live and be happy, yet human life is marked by suffering. Many are intimately and historically affected by social injustice, and we all experience loss […]

For People of Color: Beginning a Meditation Practice

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Part of EBMC's Core Buddhist Teachings: 5-Month Curriculum with Mushim Are you a looking for a way to start a mindfulness meditation practice, but don’t quite know how? These classes will give you the basics of sitting and walking/movement meditation in the vipassana (insight) style, and metta (goodwill) meditation. Don’t worry about “getting it right” […]

Love is the Answer: A daylong on Metta practice

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Spring Washam The Buddha once said, “Searching all directions with one’s awareness, one finds no one dearer than oneself.” Our greatest and most challenging task on the spiritual path is to learn to love and accept ourselves. Self-hatred, inner aggression and self criticism is rooted in a mind that is confused and suffering. When […]

Family Practice Class: Opening the Heart through the Buddha’s Teachings

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

For Children Ages 0-12 and Family/Caregivers with Eve Decker, Baruch Golden, and Michele Ku We invite you to come and help create the diverse family sangha at EBMC.  We welcome families with babies, toddlers and children up to age 12.  The teachers will offer the Buddha's teachings and mindful practices that can be practiced at […]

Intimate Relationship on the Path of Awakening

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Carol Cano “Love is as close as we get to the Beloved without really trying. It manifests many of the qualities of the sacred. It is characterized by surrender, intoxication, devotion, selfless generosity, joy, uninhibited affection, deep connecting silences and the mercy that goes beyond simple understanding.” “Embracing the Beloved: Relationship as a Path […]

Tender Self-Care in the Midst of Pain: A Daylong for People Living with Disability, Illness or Chronic Pain

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Debra Kerr and Mushim and a special one hour teaching by Jim Willems In this daylong meditation retreat, we will explore the possibility of finding space and ease, even while dealing with painful conditions of body or mind.  Mindfulness and sangha are powerful tools for finding ways of working with pain, for lessening isolation, […]