Love & Liberation: Dharmathon

Betti Ono Gallery 1427 Broadway, Oakland, CA

EBMC's Eighth Annual Dharma-thon will feature some of the Bay Area's most inspiring artists on May 12 from 6pm-9pm! Dharma-thoners will enjoy an intimate dinner with performances by Melanie DeMore, Naima Shalhoub, and Michelle "Mush" Lee, with a delicious multi-course meal cooked by local vegan Filipino caterer No Worries. To register, please visit:    

Family Practice Class: Opening the Heart through the Buddha’s Teachings

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Baruch Golden, Eve Decker, Fresh! White, Keisha Turner and Michele Ku For Children Ages 0-13 and Family / Caregivers We invite you to come and help create the diverse family sangha at EBMC. We welcome families with babies, toddlers, and children up to age 13. Children under 5 will need to have a parent/caregiver stay […]

Honoring Our Ancestors: Telling The Truth and Reclaiming Our Wisdom

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Arisika Razak  for Self Identified People of Color  Based on who we are and what we’ve been through and how we survive and where we stand, we are on kind of sacred ground. We stand on the backs of our ancestors. - Ava DuVernay How are our lives informed by the actions of our ancestors […]

EBMC 5 Month Buddhist Basics Curriculum: Evening for Practice Q&A

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Mushim Ikeda For those who have taken either some or all of EBMC’s 5-month “Buddhist core teachings” curriculum an evening class where you can bring your “biggest” Buddhist practice questions, meet Dharma companions on the Path, and rejoice in the merit that you have generated! Please note: The focus of this class is on […]

Healing the Oppressor Within: A Space for White Men to Explore the Intersection of Whiteness and Masculinity in the Context of the Dharma

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Open to White Men with Baruch Golden, Gregory Mengel & Tom Malarkey White men, including many of us who are committed to social justice, continue to wreak havoc in our world. We are ill prepared to unlearn the patterns of oppression we enact in part because of the social conditioning we receive as young boys. […]

Community Celebration of Strategic Plan

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Community Meeting: Celebrating East Bay Meditation Center's Strategic Plan! All EBMC Sangha members, past and present, are invited! Join us as we come together to celebrate the completion of our Strategic Plan! Our evening together will include an interactive presentation of our Strategic Plan, a lively discussion of the next two, five and ten years […]


Practicing with Strong Emotions

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Practicing with Strong Emotions : Seeing our Difficulties as Opportunities for Growth Open to all with John Mifsud Undeniably, strong emotions cause great stress. Suppressing them can increase our suffering. Spaciousness helps us make healthful choices during difficult times. Buddhist teachings offer many tools to work with challenging feelings and increase ease. Overwhelming feelings are […]

Family Practice: Opening the Heart through the Buddha’s Teachings

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Baruch Golden Fresh! White and Shahara Godfrey We invite you to come and help create the diverse family sangha at EBMC. We welcome families with babies, toddlers, and children up to age 13. Children under 5 will need to have a parent/caregiver stay with them. This class features training on “Family Tea Time” and […]

Opening Our Hearts: A Day of Lovingkindness Practice for the Transgender, Nonbinary, Gender Variant, and Genderqueer Communities

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Open to all self identified Transgender, Nonbinary, Gender Queer, Gender Variant, and Gender Non-conforming people with JD Doyle, René Rivera and Fresh (Lev) White Lovingkindness is a powerful practice that enables us to cultivate our capacity for an open, fearless, and loving heart. This day will include meditations, sharing, and discussions that nurture kindness and […]


Dharma in Motion:  Malaya Flow

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Dharma in Motion:  Malaya Flow with Jessy Kondo Zapanta Malaya means freedom in Tagalog. Malaya Flow allows you freedom of movement, to inhabit your body, to reconnect to spirit. Weaving indigenous Filipino community wisdom with years of physical therapy, somatic practice, and training in trauma-informed Raja yoga, qi gong, and 5-element acupressure, Jessy will guide you […]