ONLINE ONLY: Potions for Poisons: Heart Medicine for Our Times
with Melvin Escobar
Three Mondays: March 11th, 18th and 25th, 2024
6 – 8 PM Pacific Time
Buddhist teachings state that the primary causes of suffering are the Three Poisons of Greed, Hatred, and Delusion. Arguably, these three poisons are more widespread than ever in our world. In this 3-week class series, we will explore how these unwholesome energies can be transformed into potions of Generosity, Love, and Wisdom. Using meditation, interactive exercises, talks, and home practice, and drawing on contemporary psychological frameworks and an understanding of structural oppression, we will explore how these antidotes, when practiced, can help us live a more heartful and liberated life.
All registered participants will receive a link to join us via Zoom with their EventBrite confirmation email.
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– Please do not use virtual or blurred backgrounds
– Please keep your camera still when it’s turned on
– Please say your name when you speak
– Facilitators will attempt to read any comments in the chat out loud
– Please mute when you’re not speaking.