Restorative Yoga is a system of supported poses designed to calm the nervous system completely, inviting a state of deep relaxation. Students rest and restore themselves mentally and physically from the fast and ongoing demands of modern life. During the class, we unwind completely and allow ourselves to drift on the continuum between wakefulness and sleep. This is a class for anyone in need of a rest, including beginners to yoga and people with injuries and illness. Multiple expressions of each pose will be offered and participants are invited to practice lying down, seated, or standing, according to their own body wisdom and access needs.
Satya de la Paz offers Yoga as a means of collective and personal liberation and decolonization: accessing our innate healing capacity through therapeutics and compassion, meeting media-driven body shame through mindfulness and affirmation, freeing the heart of resentment and blame, and healing the mind of patriarchal ways of moving and acting. Satya is deeply grateful for her mentor, Abby Tucker, as well as all of her dharma and movement teachers, Sally Kempton, Rob Preece, and Sianna Sherman. Drawing from the traditions of Anusara Yoga, Buddhism, and Tantra, she empowers students to mindfully and compassionately while exploring their edge.
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