ONLINE: Ceasefire! Practice for Liberation
5-class series, Thursday evenings
Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
5:30 – 6:45 PM PST (Time Zone Converter)
Online, over Zoom
In the month of February we will hold space for the dharma of Palestinian Liberation. Across the world, people are rising up in support of Palestine. Many thousands of people gather every day, taking action in the streets, making calls and sending letters, organizing their people and communities, to practice with this call for land and freedom, for respect for life and self-determination, and an end to colonization and racism. We follow the call from Palestinians, Jews and people of conscience across the world who say “Ceasefire Now.”
These sangha ceasefire evenings will offer you support and belonging to continue your work for a meaningful and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Through mindfulness practice with the full range of our experience, internally and externally, as well as sharing from the heart and working with the body to contact grief, anger and love with compassion, we intend to strengthen our community’s response to Palestine.
In the streets we hear the chant, “We are not freeing Palestine, Palestine is freeing us.” We know that the work of liberation happens at the individual, collective, and societal level. Our hearts are with Palestine at this time, with gratitude for what we are learning about freedom in taking action to end the genocide in Gaza. We welcome you to practice together in community with us towards this freedom.
Session Guide
Session One—Getting Present with Palestine
Session Two—Bearing Witness with Palestine
Session Three—Freedom Dreams with Palestine
Session Four– Resourcing Endurance
Session Five– Being with our People
Please note: Registered participants will receive a zoom link to join us online with their Eventbrite confirmation email. Thank you for your support
Universal Zoom Access Requests
- Please do not use virtual or blurred backgrounds
- Please keep your camera still when it’s turned on
- Please repeat your name when you speak
- Facilitators will attempt to read any comments in the chat out loud
- A good microphone, strong internet connection, and quiet environment help with audio access
- Please mute when you’re not speaking
Teacher Bios
Dr. Tania Triana. Pronouns: She/They/Ella/Elle is an educator, activist, and translator who began a Buddhist practice in 2014 soon after relocating to Oakland. She currently serves on the Board of East Bay Meditation Center. Tania is a graduate of EBMC’s Spiritual Teacher and Leadership Program.
Ream. Pronouns: They/Them is a queer organizer of European ancestry on unceded Ohlone Land, working for over 25 years in the labor movement, currently as the Strategic Campaigns Director for the United Domestic Workers’ Union. Ream is a Community Teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center in Oakland, a co-founder of EBMC’s Social Justice Sangha, and leads “Racial Justice Skills for White Practitioners” there, and graduated from Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioner’s Program in 2016. Ream is a teacher and practitioner with Generative Somatics, co-leading “Somatics for White Racial Justice Organizers.”
Andrés González. Pronouns: He/they/él/elle is a two-spirit Mestizo with primarily Yaqui, Mexican, Spanish, & Scottish ancestries. He’s also a transracial adoptee, connected to a lineage of indigenous adoptees separated from family, land, & culture by way of the U.S. child welfare system. Andrés’ lived experience walking between these many worlds has informed his path as a healer and Dharma teacher. Trained as a psychotherapist, he holds a masters degree in social work. He is also a graduate of EBMC’s two-year Spiritual Teacher & Leadership Training and is presently participating in the 2023-2024 certificate program in psychedelic facilitation at UC Berkeley’s Center for the Science of Psychedelics. Weaving the sacred traditions of Theravada & Mahayana Buddhism with his ancestral curanderismo lineage, Andrés brings a wide-range of practices & perspectives into his healing-justice work with individuals & communities. He now resides on Yokuts’ land (aka Bakersfield, CA).
The teachings are regarded as priceless, so they are offered without a fee. You are invited to support the teachings and our efforts by contributing voluntary donations
Please consider donating to the Arab Resource Organizing Center of the Bay Area/Ohlone Land: https://araborganizing.networkforgood.com/projects/100246-main-giving-page
To make a gift to support the teachings, please do so via:
Paypal: taniatriana@gmail.com or Venmo: @Tania-Triana (the teachers will share the gifts)
To make a gift to sustain the work of East Bay Meditation Center, please do so via Paypal: paypal.me/eastbaymeditation or our website: eastbaymeditation.org/dana 100% of our programming is sliding scale and no one will ever be turned away for lack of funds.
Thank you for the gifts of your generosity and for supporting the work of East Bay Meditation Center and our beloved teachers who have volunteered their time.