Beginning a Meditation Practice for People of Color

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Mushim Ikeda  Are you looking for a way to start a mindfulness meditation practice, but don’t quite know how? These classes will give you the basics of sitting and walking/movement meditation in the vipassana (insight) style, and metta (goodwill) meditation. Don’t worry about “getting it right” – if you can sit – on a […]


Loneliness, Imperfection & Resilience: A Buddhist-based approach

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Mushim Ikeda  Loneliness is painful, and seems to be on the rise despite the easy connectivity promised by internet and social media. Feeling isolated because we are regarded as “different” by others can be a factor. How can we stay present to the sharp edges of our feelings about the imperfection of our lives, […]

Family Practice: Opening the Heart through the Buddha’s Teachings

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Baruch Golden, Lev White, Hannah Hamler and Michele Ku We invite you to come and help create the diverse family sangha at EBMC. We welcome families with babies, toddlers, and children up to age 13. Children under 5 will need to have a parent/caregiver stay with them. This class features training on “Family Tea Time” […]


Liberation: A True Refuge

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

A seeker’s path to healing and awakening For LGBTQIA Identified with Carol Cano “Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a practice.” Thich Nhat Hanh This three-week series will give a basic understanding and overview of the essential Buddhist teachings and practices of mindfulness meditation. We […]

Finding Harmony in Work Life

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Bringing Work into Alignment with Spiritual Practice Open to all with Deb Kerr Sometimes we struggle with incongruence between meditative life and  work life. It may feel impossible to bring lovingkindness to a tough workplace environment.  Or we feel like our occupation is unaligned with our spirituality. This class will look at ways to bring […]

Beyond the Binary: Mindfulness of Gender

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Beyond the Binary: Mindfulness of Gender We extend a special invitation to those who identity as non-binary, gender nonconforming and their allies. with JD Doyle, Loujie Kim, Rene Rivera & Bri Barnett What does it mean to be a boy? woman? genderqueer? gender nonconforming? transgender? agender? or none of the above? Gender identities and presentations […]


Introduction to Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Sierra Pickett and Chris Moore Blackman  This two-day training will provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the philosophy and strategy of Kingian Nonviolence. This training is useful for anyone who deals with conflict: inter-personal or larger social conflicts, whether in your personal life, in the workplace, or in your work for social change. […]

Practicing “Letting Go” with Forgiveness & Goodwill

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Keiryū Liên Shutt Impermanence is part of life. We want “to move on” through wishing ourselves or another well, yet it’s hard to do. The thought of “sending goodwill” is nice but it may seem insurmountable. This 1-day workshop and retreat provides a gentle container to foster letting go of old hurts and pains. […]

Opening the Heart Through the Buddha’s Teachings: Family Practice

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Keisha Turner and Shahara Godfrey Assisted by Julie Goshe We invite you to come and help create the diverse family sangha at EBMC. We welcome families with babies, toddlers, and children up to age 13. Children under 5 will need to have a parent/caregiver stay with them. This class features training on “Family Tea […]

Got FOMO? The Contentment of Renunciation

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

A daylong retreat open to all with Mushim Ikeda Do you have Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)? If you commit to making progress in your meditation practice, what about the vacation you could be taking, the movies you could be watching, or the parties you could be going to? Because modern life involves constant stimulation […]