Mindful Prosperity: Abundance in Community

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Fresh Lev White & Imee Contreras What would our practice and lives look like if we believed we were worthy of living abundantly? Can the Brahma Viharas support us in acknowledging that we are deserving and help us release fear and aversion of living prosperously? Imagine equanimity as a practice of manifestation that offers […]

Opening Our Hearts: A Day of Lovingkindness Practice for the Transgender, Nonbinary, Genderqueer and Gender Expansive Communities

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

Open to all self identified Transgender, Nonbinary, Gender Queer, Gender Variant, and Gender Non-conforming people With Bri Barnett, Fresh! “Lev” White, Kalash Ka and René Rivera Lovingkindness is a powerful practice that enables us to cultivate our capacity for an open, fearless, and loving heart. This day will include meditations, sharing, and discussions that nurture […]

Pause and Relax: A Mindfulness Practice Day for Educators

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with JD Doyle and Jonathan Relucio Open to All Educators Teachers do important work that influences all our lives. The many challenges from this path of service make it difficult to find time for self care and may lead to feelings of overwhelm. During this day for educators, we will learn practices that can be […]


Teen Sangha: Summer Session

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Raul Betancourt, Anthony T Maes, Sarwang Parikh, Louije Kim and Sara Oakes EBMC Teen Sangha is a weekly meditation group for teens, ages 14-19 Our focus is on creating deeper relationships with ourselves and each other, having fun, getting real and supporting each other. Learn mindfulness meditation and explore the dharma (Buddhist teachings) in […]


Meditation Training: Establishing a Meditation Practice in 4 Short Weeks

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Rev. Liên Shutt Want to learn how to meditate? Or, have you tried at different times but just can’t quite figure how to make it work for you? In this series, specific and easy-to-follow instructions will be given in three areas – body, heart/emotions and mind/mental states – to practice with one area per […]

Healing the Healers – Cultivating Our Resilience and Creativity for People of Color

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Melvin Escobar  for Self Identified People of Color You’re invited to come be in community with other healers and caregivers, to have a day of resting in the refuge of sangha. Buddhist teachings will be interwoven with contemporary psychological frameworks and informed by an understanding of structural oppression. As the saying goes, “make sure […]

How Do I Hold My Grief? Exploring Grief and Loss with Tenderness

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Patrick Brown  This daylong will focus on how to work with the suffering of grief in it’s many stages. Together we will explore and practice with the difficult emotions of grief and loss.Centering our personal experiences and drawing practices from the dharma, the group will integrate learnings about the precepts, the refuges, and mindfulness. […]

The Rhythm of Freedom – Healing through Drumming and Movement

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Melvin Escobar and Mitch Hall Join us for an afternoon of healing and community resonance. Participants will experience a deep sense of reset and relaxation via drumming, chanting and accessible movement (fusion of yoga, tai chi, qi gong). Drawing on the latest neuroscience, we’ll offer Dharma talks about how drumming can be used to […]

Spiritual Friendship: “The Whole of the Holy Life” Cultivating Wise Relations for Self Identified Women of Color

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

for Self Identified Women of Color  Led by Noliwe Alexander Join us for a day of celebrating the depth of Spiritual Friendships, the Whole of the Holy Life. Together we’ll explore this potent statement by the Buddha through the lens of our life-long, road buddies, confidants and everyday supports; our friends. While telling our stories, […]

Building the Beloved Community: A Day of Radically Inclusive Movement and Creativity

East Bay Meditation Center 285 17th Street, Oakland, CA

with Arisika Razak and Jessy Zapanta “Liberatory access . . . resists . . . the world we don’t want and actively builds the world we do want.” - Mia Mingus This workshop invites participants with a variety of abilities, disabilities and preferred modes of creative expression to come together to create a one-day sangha […]