with Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt
Change can be hard. Especially if it’s not one that we’ve chosen: a job or relationship loss, an illness, or other life-transition events. At such time, thinking about all the possible options can feel confusing: “Should I do what I’ve always wanted to do or stay with what I know? Go towards my ‘heart’s desire’ or get more training?”
Join us as we explore how incorporating meditative practices and motivational tools can assist in meeting change with ease, grace and skill. Learn ways to be with, envision and then find the drive to go towards the life you can create!
Registration: Registration is required and space is limited. Click here or the link below to register.
Cost: There is no registration fee for attending this event, nor most EBMC events. However, EBMC is not independently funded. The Center and the teachers will be sustained only by your voluntary donations (the practice of generous giving, or “dana”). Please donate generously, in proportion to your ability:
* Either online (you will be offered an opportunity during the online registration process)
* Or at the event, in the two baskets at EBMC, one for the Center, the second for the Teacher
Thank you for your generosity. EBMC will be only be sustained through our collective generosity.
Fragrance-free: In order to protect the health of community members with environmental illness, please do not wear fragranced products (including “natural” fragrances) or clothes laundered in fragranced products to EBMC.
EBMC is wheelchair accessible.