An Online Class Series with Melvin Escobar
Sundays, April 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th 5:00 – 6:30PM PST (Time Zone Converter)
Closed Captioning Provided
Why’s it so hard to meditate!? This question is as old as the practice. Join us for this class series that gets to the root of our struggles: The Five Obstacles. We’ll learn ways to work with these “hindrances” guided by Buddhist teachings, contemporary psychological frameworks and an understanding of structural oppression. Through talks, interactive exercises, stationary and gentle moving meditation, and recommendations for home practice, participants will gain awareness on how to use each of the five obstacles as gateways to deepen our practice.
Attend some or all:
Week 1 – Doubt
Week 2 – Sloth + Torpor and Ill Will
Week 3 – Restlessness + Worry
Week 4 – Sensual Desire
All Registered participants will receive a Confirmation Email & Zoom Link via EventBrite.